from fear to awe

with Ish Hasan

Something in your heart is calling you towards more.

But to get there involves taking a risk, and the moment you feel that risk, the fear hits—hard. It wraps around your chest, sucks out the air, and screams at you to run in the other way. After all, your life as it is depends on you staying the same, so you repeat the same patterns, feed the same stories, and get the same dissatisfying results. Anxiety and depression set in and you lose your zest for life.

You have a choice, what will it be?

Here’s how I can help


wholly wild man

1:1 Deep Dive


You’re stuck in survival mode, disconnected from your heart and your true purpose. Every day feels like a grind—you wake up, go to a job that drains you, and struggle to find meaning in your work and relationships. Something’s missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on.

Join me for this 1:1 deep dive, and let’s reclaim the lost pieces of you.


rite of sacred Passage

3 month men’s group work and initiation

Next cohort begins Feb ‘25. Registration open.

There’s a fire inside you—one that’s being smoldered by your everyday life. Day after day, you’ve gone through the motions, doing what’s needed but never touching the edge of who you could be. You’re standing at a crossroads.

This group program is your call to something greater—an initiation into what it truly means to be alive. This is more than an expedition. It’s a rite of passage, a journey into awe, into the wilderness of the world and the wilderness within you.

“Train yourself to be in awe of the subtle, and you will live in a world of beauty and ease.”

— ish hasan

about ish

“The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, it will tell you. — C. G. Jung”

Growing up undocumented and in a strictly conservative household taught me more about the edge of fear than any textbook ever could.

I navigated most of my life in the shadows and in a perpetual state of survival mode—my routine consisted of going to school and coming home, being unable to drive or work, and being unable to participate in the normal ways of adolescence.  Through this, I learned that survival mode isn’t just about getting by; it’s about constricting your world to avoid the risks of truly living. But there is a risk inherent in being alive.

Luckily, I had this unrelenting inner knowing that there was something deeper, something more to life that I never had permission to pursue.


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