wholly wild man

Awaken Your Fierce Heart, Embody Your Divine Purpose, and Unleash Your Innate Potential

You’re stuck in survival mode, disconnected from your heart and your true purpose.

Every day feels like a grind—you wake up, go to a job that drains you, and struggle to find meaning in your work and relationships. Something’s missing, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You’re just getting by, and the feelings of isolation, anxiousness, and dissatisfaction are increasing. The sense of purpose that once lit your way seems distant, replaced by a chronic emptiness. It’s bleeding into everything—your relationships, health, and happiness. Now, you’re left with a gnawing sense that you’re not living up to your true potential, that something vital has been lost along the way. You can feel yourself crawling towards your death while you’re still alive.

Join me for this 1:1 deep dive, and here’s how we’ll reclaim the lost pieces of you:

Align with Your True Self

Through Shadow and Parts work, we’ll unearth and integrate the parts of you that have been buried. You’ll learn to embrace your primal self and step into life with confidence, vitality, and purpose.

Reconnect with Your Relationships

If intimacy, communication, or trust have become struggles, this program will help you rebuild deep emotional and spiritual connections. You’ll shift from feeling disconnected and unsatisfied to being fully present, vulnerable, and committed in your relationships.

Transform Your Career and Purpose

No more dreading a meaningless 9-to-5. We’ll dig into your true purpose and align your work with what genuinely matters to you. You’ll wake up excited about your day and the impact you’re making.

Revitalize Your Health and Well-being

You’ll reconnect with your body, embrace play and adventure, and treat yourself with the reverence you deserve. You’ll start living with energy, joy, and a deep connection to your physical self.

Redefine Wealth and Abundance

You’ll move beyond scarcity thinking and into a space where you see yourself as the creator of your own life. Whether it’s financial or otherwise, you’ll find fulfillment and contentment in all areas.

Reconnect to God

You’ll rediscover a deeper, more subtle connection to Life. You’ll start to realize that you’re not separate, and that there’s a greater current flowing through you, helping you every step of the way as you take bigger and bigger leaps into reclaiming your life.

In every moment you’re reinforcing the life that wasn’t working before.

Or, you’re choosing a new one.

It’s easy to get trapped in the conditioning, unhelpful beliefs, and negative judgments.

After all, it’s the way our brain is wired.

We find an identity, and (regardless of how hard it is) we choose it over and over because it’s easier than building a new one.

But if you had someone who would reflect anytime the unhelpful patterns show up, help you with making new choices, and give you the structure and accountability to make them…what could be different?


Taking risks in life means getting comfortable with uncertainty, vulnerability, surrender, and trust.

You have been conditioned to be self-reliant; to exhibit strength and control. This makes it near impossible for you to be comfortable with the kinds of uncertainty, vulnerability, surrender and trust that come with taking risks in life. So instead, you stay small, in a comfort zone that’s slowly suffocating you in exchange for the illusion of safety.

To take risks requires stepping into the unknown, facing fear head-on, and accepting that failure is part of the journey. It’s about shedding the armor you’ve built up over the years, allowing yourself to be raw, exposed, and real.

Only then can you ignite that deep, burning aliveness you long for.

Life is a gift. 

Imagine waking up every day with purpose, vitality, and connection. You’re living with clarity and confidence. Your relationships are rich, your work is meaningful, and you’ve reclaimed your wholeness. This is what’s possible when you shift from half-hearted to wholehearted living.

"Ish is a fucking badass men's coach, breathwork faciliator, brother, and leader. I have relied on Ish for the past year in navigating the blurry waters of relationship to women, my addictions, and deep inner work. He's helped me move through stuck-ness, smallness and depression to unlock my fire; my voice, vitality, rage, and passion. His deeply attuned listening and compassion have held my grief and sadness. I highly recommend working with Ish in all of his offerings - 1:1 coaching, breathwork, and his men's groups. "

Garrett Rokosh, Conscious Leadership Coach

If you stay on this path, you risk spending the rest of your life stuck in survival mode, disconnected from your heart, and always feeling like something’s missing. Your relationships will falter, your work will feel empty, and you’ll keep chasing external happiness that never truly satisfies you.

You’ll die feeling incomplete, and wondering what if? But it doesn’t have to be that way. What if there’s a path to deep transformation that allows you to live fully, love deeply, and lead your life with confidence?

Ready to Make the Shift? Book a Call Today to See if This Journey is Right for You.

"Ish helped me to hold myself accountable not only to my time, not only to my relationships, but to the other things in my life, from what I eat to what I drink. Everything I do now is done with intent. And that's had a significant impact. It's the relationship between my friends, my employees, my family that have grown. I would recommend this honestly to anyone."

Gilberto Rodriguez, CEO

here’s your next choice.

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”

- Rabindranath Tagore