rite of sacred passage

mountain expedition. vision fast. medicine ceremony.

first call feb 20 // retreat MAY 5 - 18

There’s a fire inside you—one that’s being smoldered by your everyday life. Day after day, you’ve gone through the motions, doing what’s needed but never touching the edge of who you could be. Each sunrise is blurring into the next, and the spark that once made you feel alive is fading into a dull glow. You’re standing at a crossroads. This is your call to something greater—an initiation into what it truly means to be alive. This is more than an expedition, it’s a rite of passage, a journey into awe, into the wilderness of the world and the wilderness within you.

Over the course of three months of deep work culminating in a two week expedition to one of the most powerful landscapes on earth, you’ll be initiated into a way of being that connects you deeply to the earth, the cosmos, and yourself. You’ll strip away the noise and the chaos, face the primal truths of life, and return to your core as a man rooted in power, purpose, and awe. Think of this as a return to ancestral tradition, a way of being that is your birthright, molded to fit the current times.

Beyond this journey is a man who no longer hides behind the mask of survival but stands in the light of his own freedom.

the journey that awaits

Phase 1: The 3-Month Feminine Fast

This is a fast for the soul. It’s time to connect with your true self, and rebirth the divine union within you, as opposed to seeking it out from others. Instead of desperately searching for validation and approval from the next woman you meet, you will experience what it feels like to stand whole, in the presence of your masculine essence surrounded by the Great Mother. It’s about learning how to fully offer yourself without expecting anything in return.

Phase 2: Housecleaning Protocol

It’s time to clean house—mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What’s been cluttering your mind? What old wounds, unresolved actions, and unspoken words have been holding you back? This is your chance to give them a face, a voice, and finally let them go. Restore your integrity. Clean your slate. Free yourself.

the retreat

Day 1: Arrival & Connection

You step off the plane into a land that hums with ancient power. You’ll meet your brothers on this journey, gather in sacred space, and prepare to leave the familiar behind.

Days 2-6: The Ausangate Trek

For five days, you will walk toward the heart of the mountain—a symbol of unflinching masculine presence. Through intense passages, under vast skies, you’ll trek with a singular purpose: to meet a mountain that has seen generations come and go, a mountain that holds its ground, no matter the storm. This is your initiation into the unshakable. This is the moment you reconnect with the primal force of the earth beneath your feet.

Days 7-9: The Wilderness Vigil

For three days, you will enter complete solitude. Just you, the wilderness, and the truth you’ve been running from. No food, only water, and the raw reality of yourself. All the parts of you that have been hidden, all the truths that have been buried, will come to the surface. There will be nowhere to run. This is where you confront your shadows, your pain, and your power. The wilderness will hold you, but it will not save you. Only you can do that.

Days 10-11: Machu Picchu - A Sacred Ascent

At dawn, the first rays of light will guide you up the path to Machu Picchu. As you take each step, you will enter a liminal space—a place between worlds. With sacred Wachuma coursing through your body, you will ascend higher and higher until you stand on the summit, a 360-degree vista of awe and wonder stretching before you.

Here, in the presence of the All-Father energy, you will experience a moment of profound connection to the divine, the cosmos, and your place in it. This is a place where time stands still, where the veil between heaven and earth is thin, and where you’ll realize that your purpose is not a task or a title—it is simply how you show up in the world.

Day 12: Return & Integration

As the expedition comes to a close, you will gather with your brothers one last time. You’ll circle up, reflect, and integrate the powerful shifts that have taken place. Some will linger, some will head home—but none will leave unchanged.

The Mountain is unshakeable—And he will teach you how to be too.

The mountain stands as a living symbol of what it means to hold your ground—calm, powerful, unshaken by the storms of life—and in this sacred reckoning, you will find that same presence within yourself.

Wachuma, Ancient Rites and Spiritual Initiation

The spiritual connection woven throughout this journey runs deeper than the mind can grasp. You’ll trek through the ancient paths of the Inca, every step a communion with the forces that move through earth and sky. During the wilderness vigil, you’ll feel the undeniable presence of something greater—something that has been guiding you all along. The sacred plant medicine Wachuma will open the door to dimensions of awareness long forgotten. As the medicine flows through you, the veil between worlds thins, and you come face to face with the mystery of existence. This expedition is no ordinary experience. It is a rite of passage into the heart of the cosmos, where you will understand not only who you are, but how deeply you belong to the ancient rhythms of the earth and the infinite expanse of the universe.

You won’t just return with new tools—you’ll return with a soul that knows what it means to be fully alive.

expect to experience…

  • A reconnection to the wild places within you and around you

  • A sense of profound awe that will forever alter the way you see the world

  • The strength to let go of the past and reclaim your future

  • A renewed sense of purpose, love, and open heartedness

  • The inner slowness and calm that only comes from being in the presence of something greater than yourself

  • An unburdening of everything you’ve carried, so you can finally walk free

  • A compass forged in truth, guiding you to the life you were meant to live

  • An expansive connection to the cosmos and deep rooting to the earth

"It was really an amazing experience working with Ish. I was at a place in my life that I was going through a pretty significant change, and this work had a significant impact on me. I feel this sense of confidence in myself and sense of clarity in terms of where I'm going in my life and with my path. That has been pretty profound and also a lot of spiritual insights that came up that I'm still working through and still understanding what they really mean for me. Highly recommend doing this work with ish.”

Mark Maclean, Soul Purpose Coach and Sales Executive

This is your initiation. This is your Rite of Sacred Reckoning.

Are you ready to leave the ordinary behind and step into the unknown? Are you ready to face yourself, stand tall in your masculine power, and reconnect with the awe and beauty of life?

Answer the call

"When I started working with Ish and his container, I had a quality of destructive rebelliousness that lacked discipline. Physically and mentally, this trip was a crossroads between staying weak and destroying my life, and coming out stronger with more motivation and willpower to accomplish my life’s purpose. I can proudly say that I have a renewed strength to build my life with after working with Ish. He was also a very skilled spiritual teacher who was able to hold space for everyone as a group and individually. This is the perfect experience for anyone looking to experience more life or change their life or themselves."

Duncan Smith, Yoga Instructor

call schedule

THURSDAYS. 5 - 7 PM PT / 8 - 10 PM ET

February 20 | MARCH 13 | APRIL 17 | MAY 30

Ausangate trek

the severance

MAY 5. Day 0 - ARRIVAL

We’ll meet in Pisac. Depending on when everyone gets in, we’ll meet for lunch and/or dinner, make sure everyone’s packed right, sort out any last minute logistics, and get ready for the next day early. We’ll also open our ceremonial journey together.

MAY 6 - may 11

Ausangate Trek.

solo vision fast

crossing the threshold

MAY 12 - MAY 14

Every man is supported through his solo vigil.

wachu picchu medicine quest


MAY 15. Decompression Day

Reintegration and rest.

MAY 16. Travel Day

Travel to Aguas Calientes by train.

MAY 17. Ceremony Day

Machu Picchu ceremony.

MAY 18. Travel Day

Travel from Aguas Calientes by train.



Capped at 8

Selection based on an intake form and Zoom interview to gauge mental, physical, and spiritual fit

what is included

3 pre-expedition calls

1 1:1 coaching call (optional)

1 post-expedition call

Day 0 and Day 6 lodging

All meals during trek

Machu Picchu ceremony

financial exchange

Repeat Man (2 spots) $2199

Early Man (until Nov ‘24) $2699

Regular Man $2999

Payment Plans available

what is not included

Travel to and from Pisac, Peru

Personal gear (list will be provided)

Additional accommodation days

Day 1 breakfast and Day 5 dinner

Tips for guides and maestros

Your perseverance and will to work

The Long-Term Impact 

This experience doesn’t end when the expedition is over. The man who walks back into his life after this experience is not the same man who left. You’ll carry the clarity, the calm, the profound connection to yourself and the world around you into everything you do. Your relationships will shift—become deeper, more authentic. Your career will no longer be a path of survival, but one of purpose. Life will not be easier after this journey, but it will be clearer. You will no longer be bound by fear or uncertainty. You will know who you are, and that knowing will guide you through whatever comes next.

The ordinary will always be there, but the extraordinary is calling. Will you answer?

This is not for the faint of heart. It’s for the man who feels the fire inside him—who knows there is something greater waiting on the other side of fear. If you’re ready to stop playing small, to let go of the stories and doubts that have held you back, this is your time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The trek is classified as Grade C in difficulty, which implies that it’s fit for those with some experience in multi-day expeditions. Many of the days will have steep sections that cause rapid altitude gain in a short time.

  • It depends on your physical and mental aptitude. We will have porters carrying our supplies, but this is still a fairly intense expedition. If you have never been on a trek before, this might not be the right time. If you’re unsure, fill out the application and I’ll get back to you.

  • Yes, as long as you’re willing to trust the process, be supportable, and supportive. This experience is less about your experience in prior mens work and more about willingness to dive deep. We’ll go as deep as you’re willing to go.

"I would highly recommend working with Ish and jumping on board one of his experiences. It’s not definitely not easy by any means, but if you’re ready to commit, I think you’ll come out on the other side a much more evolved version of yourself. I know I have. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and I will cherish this for a very long time.”

Jake O’Rielly, Senior Software Engineer


"Being in Ish’s container was the catalyst for my growth. It was life changing, and if you give this work a chance, I have no doubt it can change your life too."

Joel Rafalski, Contractor