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Embodied Masculine™ Men’s Retreat. Photo Credit: Matthew Stackowicz

Embodied Masculine™ Men’s Retreat. Credit: Matthew Stackowicz

In every moment you’re reinforcing the life that wasn’t working before.

Or, you’re choosing a new one.

It’s easy to get trapped in the conditioning, unhelpful beliefs, and negative judgments.

After all, it’s the way our brain is wired.

We find an identity, and (regardless of how hard it is) we choose it over and over because it’s easier than building a new one.

But if you had someone who would reflect anytime the unhelpful patterns show up, help you with making new choices, and give you the structure and accountability to make them…what could be different?



I work with men to help them live and love without fear.

I work with people who want to love better. And people who make it their mission to live a life that’s unbound by social condition and upbringing.

With over a decade of experience in personal development, incorporating mythopoetic men’s work, jungian shadow work, vipassana and zen meditation, sexual intimacy, plant ceremonies and indigenous apprenticeship, breathwork, and internal and external martial arts, I bring a tailored approach to my work, catered to what serves the highest good. Hence, my approach differs from client to client. What is constant is the philosophy, which is centered around helping each man find his real purpose and create a life that he gets to be the main character of.

You can schedule a free introductory call below, and we can see if there’s a mutual fit.


The Process

illuminating the Shadow

befriending fear

mastering your life

We begin by looking at places you’ve been afraid to look at. We identify unhelpful patterns, limiting beliefs, and acts of self-sabotage.

With careful attention, you begin to alchemize the wounds into the balm, the pain into purpose, and shit into gold.

With proper integration, you go out into the world, as a healer, a teacher, a guide. Your healing leads to your teaching.


1:1 support is for those who are committed to shedding layers and embody deep transformation for the greatest good.

Besides a customized plan catered to each individual’s needs and bi-weekly calls, you and I will be connected through Signal (encrypted messaging platform) and Marco Polo (an excellent way to unpack and share insights through real time video). Based on the need and availability, there may also be optional 1:1 retreat. This work may involve components and combinations of Shadow and Parts work, Embodiment, Breathwork, Dopamine Detox, Mirror Work, Dreamwork, Nature Immersion, Intimacy and Sexual Polarity, Leadership and Purpose. There may be a session or two with the partner if there’s a focus on intimacy and the partner is interested.

The larger containers of 6 and 9 months include complimentary access to any group workshop or retreat running at the same time, or a heavily discounted admission to a future one.

There must be an alignment call beforehand to see if you are a good fit for the journey ahead and if I am the right person to serve you.

here’s your next choice.
