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Right now, most men are in a war within themselves.

Once, our ancestors lived with a common purpose, rituals, support, and a connection deeper than the individual.

Now, through hyper individualization, our modern society has split us all in fragments, all over the place.

Devoid of elders and a rite of passage, a lot of men have succumbed to toxicity, addiction, comfort.

And a lost connection between their heart, mind, and spirit.

The proof of this is in the macrocosm of the world.



More people living alone than ever before.

and we wonder who out there is going to help fix this.

No one is coming to save you.

the only one who gets to change the trajectory of your lineage is you.


I see you because I’ve been there.

No matter how much success or money or love I earned, I was, for most of my life, angry, depressed, and miserable. I had plenty of reasons. And, I made sure people knew the shitty hand I was dealt through my words, interactions, and actions..

I kept looking for a solution, in a job, in a marriage, in drugs, and vices.

I figured that there would be some one, or some thing to bring me out of my misery.

But no one, no thing ever came.

After almost ending my life a few times, and trying my hardest to bypass my sorry excuse of a life, I realized that at the root of my misery was me giving away my autonomy and control of my own life to others.

Eventually, I started to do the work.

It was hard.

Harder than any of my vices.

I spent most of my savings seeking out teachers and experiences.

I let go of most of my old friends.

I lost the sense of who I once was.

I faced myself in the most honest way.

I had to clean up aspects of my life that I had suppressed.

After some time, I began discovering the person underneath the failure, hate, and misery. The person who was waiting to wake up.

I had to dig deep to meet the man I was destined to be.

then i had to dig deep to bring him out of me.

I became the man that i was looking for the whole time.

Now, it is your turn.


What if you could begin to live with depth?

what if you could begin to love and be loved fully?

what if you could begin to lead others in their pursuit of life?

what if you could experience this in 4 months?


The Integrated Masculine Experience is a training of masculine initiation through ruthless self-reflection.

This training is for the man who’s committed to transforming his personal history in service of birthing his being into the world. This is an experience of radical awakening that happens through participating in a closed, dedicated brotherhood in the same pursuit as you— to let go of old stories, to find authenticity voice, to take ownership and charge of life, and to unearth the unique transmission that is yours to be shared with the world.

It is not for the faint of heart.

It will definitely challenge you.

It will deplete you.

And if you show up and do the work, it will transform you.


dopamine detox

feminine cleanse

integrity restoration

parental reconciliation

shadow work

masculine/feminine reconciliation

death as an ally

purpose discovery

call schedule

All call times are listed in Pacific Time. See time zone converter HERE

Coaching Calls are optional

Call #1: Thursday, Jul. 18. 5 PM - 7 PM

Call #2: Thursday, Aug. 1. 5 PM - 7 PM

Coaching Call #1: Thursday, Aug. 8. 5 PM - 6 PM

Call #3: Thursday, Aug. 15. 5 PM - 7 PM

Call #4: Thursday, Aug. 29. 5 PM - 7 PM

Coaching Call #2: Thursday, Sep. 5. 5 PM - 6 PM

Call #5: Thursday, Sep. 12. 5 PM - 7 PM

Call #6: Thursday, Sep. 26. 5 PM - 7 PM

Coaching Call #3: Thursday, Oct. 3. 5 PM - 6 PM

Call #7: Thursday, Oct. 10. 5 PM - 7 PM

Call #8: Thursday, Oct. 24. 5 PM - 7 PM

Integration Call: Thursday, Nov. 21. 5 PM - 6 PM

ARE YOU READY for your rebirth?

register for fall ‘24




Limited to 12 men

Selection based on a thorough intake and interview process

Completion of the program allows select participants to register for the Andes Leadership Vigil at a discounted rate

what is included

One 1-hour 1:1 support call

Eight 2-hour group calls

Four 1-hour group support calls (optional)


Repeat Registration (2 spots available) $1333

Early Registration (until August) $1500

Regular Registration $1700

Payment plans available

what is not included

Your Grit

Your Perseverance

Your Will to Find and Push your Edge

an excavation ends with a discovery.

A self-excavation ends through an initiation.

Most of us missed the rite of passage that once initiated a boy into a man.

Most of us missed a generation of elders to learn about the mysteries of life from.

It’s not on us the cards we’re dealt.

But, it’s on us to do the work.

this is your initiation.


apply for next cohort
