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Embodied Masculine™ Men’s Retreat. Credit: Matthew Stackowicz

YES, this is ish.

For a deeper dive into myself, check out my life vision.

Splitting time between one of the Gulf Islands of Canada and the Sacred Valley of Peru, I am an artist, a meditator, a yogi, a writer, and a facilitator who guides men into a deeper experience of life.

I’m definitely not perfect. (You should read my other bio if you want to see some of the ways I still cope and struggle).

But, for the most part, my life is sweet, and I am blessed.

It wasn’t Always LIKE THIS.

I lived most of life in persisting fear. Due to one of the most bizarre circumstances, I lived for all my formative years, illegally. On top of being born into a strict household, this reinforced the idea that safety is found in blending in, and being a part of the status quo is better than standing out, no matter how miserable it feels.

Besides growing up illegally and deported once, some of the experiences that have shaped me include: growing up with a narcissist father, going through the US military, working as a part time actor, dumpster diving to get through college, working in tech, an almost 3 minute near death experience cliff diving in 2012, first Ayahuasca sit in 2013, first Vipassana sit in 2017, Burning Man in 2018, moving to Canada from California in 2019, and a stage four kidney failure diagnosis in 2023.

These experiences created an underlying feeling of fear, insecurity, and neurosis, some of which never left, even after I graduated from college with honors, landed a great job right out of the gate, and found myself in a cushy relationship.

to everyone else, I had built a life to be proud of.

to myself, I was a mess.

getting messier every day.



i HAD to stop ‘doing’ TO begIn a journey of healing.

My relentless journey led to masters, healers, and teachers.

Through that, I found plant medicine, meditation, and embodiment work, among others.

These three modalities became the pillar of my new life.

Over the last decade, this life has led me to amalgamate some very effective methods and tools for integration, transformation, and transmission.

To some of my old friends, I seem like someone new.

in reality, I’ve finally found myself.

all it took was to unlearn everything i was told about who i HAD to be.



AND if you don’t actively create it,

Someone else will.



For the A-types, below are some of my trainings.

I’m grateful for them, because the biggest thing they have taught me is that best training for life is…life itself.

Transpersonal Facilitation w/ Amir Khalighi

Breathwave Facilitation w/ Robin Clements

Soulcraft Intensive w/ Bill Plotkin

Shipibo Initiation w/ Don Miguel

Q’ero Initiation w/ Juan de Dios Kucho

Masculine Containment w/ Om Rupani

Hermetic Inner Alchemy w/ Elianne el-Amyouni

Yoga of Intimacy w/ Justin Patrick Pierce

Feminine Reconciliation @ COR Experience

Masculine Embodiment and Sexual Polarity w/ John Wineland

Transformational Coaching @ Erickson International

NLP Practitioner w/ David Key

Zen Coaching @ Unified Mindfulness

500 Hour Therapeutic @ Ajna College of Yoga

Interpersonal Relationships @ Landmark Forum

200 Hour Vinyasa @ Awakened Warrior Yoga

Shamanic Hypnotherapy @ HCH Institute

B.S. Information Systems and Cinema @ San Francisco State University


My inspiration comes from conversations with strangers, trekking mountains, and swimming in waters.

In addition, I’m grateful to the ones below for initiating, guiding, and mentoring my being and purpose into the world.

if you’re ready, let’s begin telling your story.
