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Life Vision

Updated: June 2024

the prayer

I’m complete and full and grateful for all that I am and everything that I have.

Great Mother, thank you for this life. Please continue to guide me to the places you want me to be, with the people you want me to be with, doing the things you want me to do. Take me in service of your will and write this life vision through me. When I deviate from this life vision, please guide me back to the remembrance of who I am and what I am here to do for you.

the vision

I am connected. Connected to my core, to my essence, to my being, to my purpose.

I am supported. Supported by my breath, by my will, by my community, and by the Great Mother.

I know. I feel. I breathe. I exist.

I am grateful for everything that’s happened to me, for they happened for me. I am grateful for everything that will happen to me, for they will be a gift to my life and the people around me.

the Mission 

My mission is for every being to experience Belonging, Love, and a Sense of Awe. For every being to remember their true connection to the Great Mother and their place in their world.

When I’m truly connected to my self, I experience the Great Mother all around, and through her, I experience Belonging, Love, and a Sense of Awe.

When I’m truly connected to my self, I pour my medicine, my gift unabashedly, without restraint.

My gift to the world is my genuine curiosity for every thing and every being, to catch their stories, and a drive for everyone to feel connected to their deepest essence, their core gift. It’s to help people slow down from the rush of life, so they can tap into the divine sweetness and light of their own being, and from there, they can unabashedly be themselves as a beacon of light for others.

the Way of life

I am living with my wife and children in a home with lots of sunlight and nature around. Our house sits on top of a mountain, overlooking the valley. The view from our home is abundant and full of beauty. We have access to bountiful clean water and fresh, organic produce. We live in a community, surrounded by good, conscious people. We’re a group of disparate people coming together, making up a modern iteration of a village as we go.

There’s a separate tiny home tucked away away from the main home. This tiny home is simple. There’s a woodstove, a zafu, some clay teaware, a collection of nice tea, and a small kitchen. And lots of windows. This is where I spend my mornings, alone, in deep practice of embodiment, breathwork, internal alchemy, and writing. In the later morning, I start my communion with the world, as I shift into mentoring and purpose work. Throughout the day, l take intentional breaks to work out, be in nature, and connect with my family. My evenings and weekends are spent with my family, friends, and community. Ocassionally, we have people over for dinner. Before going to sleep, I make one more visit to the tiny home, where I pray, express gratitude, and fill myself up with Divine Love.

I am surrounded by men who are integral, authentic, on purpose, and committed to growth and learning together. We regularly sit together, in council and ceremony.

I am surrounded by women who are doing the work, who are connected to their feminine essence, and are in devotion to the Great Mother and the natural way of being. The women track each other, confide in each other, and know that they are protected and nurtured by the men in the their lives.

The woman I am with is conscious and is supported by her sisters. She has support, not just from me, but from everyone in the community. When we have a disagreement, we don’t hide it, but we both show up with our hearts fully open, and we’re witnessed and supported by the community. She is into conscious relating, into natural cycles of her self, and is devoted to me, as I am to her.

My connection goes beyond my immediate relationships in this community, as I have brothers, mentors, and connections in different parts of the world. When I leave my home, I take comfort in knowing that there are hubs waiting to receive me, and that I have tribes in different parts of the world, including the Gulf Islands in BC and California.


I am living fully in my purpose. I have a positive footprint in the world. I work with men from all over the world, and every year, I lead expeditions into the mountains near me, and anyone who works with me receives an invite to come on this life altering expedition. Through this expedition, I help them connect to a deeper part of themselves, where they’re able to show up more fully for themselves and their community. This expedition is also a glimpse for these men into a deeper, slower, softer, sweeter kind of life, and through this work, I am building a community of men all around the world who know another way of living. Through this work, they also tap into experiencing the Great Mother, and they’re initiated into a new way of being where they can boldly claim the true life that’s awaited them.

I am connected to the peoples of the land I am on. I make it a priority to learn from them and help them wherever I can. I am known as someone they can trust and lean in for support, and I feel proud of this connection.

My wife and I lead couples workshops on the side, where everything we’ve learned through our individual and collective unlearning and learning, we share with others. We guide men and women to embody the divine archetypes of the masculine and the feminine, the Shiva and Shakti, the Yin and Yang. We show people how to be more true to their own hearts, relate to each other through safety and authenticity, and practice the communion of divine union.

My work is remote, and it’s a combination of coaching, expeditions, authorship, and facilitation of ceremonies.

Spiritual intimacy

My woman and I are deeply connected. We are devoted and dedicated to continuously deepen our connection. We are genuinely curious about each other, and take pride in growing together. We immerse ourselves in individual and couples work in the realms of tantra, conscious communication, and energy work, so that we can keep loving each other better and better, through all the iterations of each other. We have people around us who we can go to in order to bring our conflicts when they arise. We don’t shy away from hard conversations. We cherish them, and we are honest and transparent with each other as things come up. We are lovers, confidants, and vision partners.

The man I am becoming

In order to truly live the reality of my vision, I am walking towards my evolution of the man I will be.

This man is actively working on cleaning up his addictions, coping mechanisms, and behaviours that are no longer serving him. Some of these include using food as a coping mechanism (emotional eating, binge eating, over eating, sugar, etc) and people-pleasing/fawning/withholding. The man I am becoming has a strong priority on speaking his truth, cultivating his relationships, and spending time in isolation as well as in community.

The partner/father/uncle/teacher/mentor I am becoming has strong support systems outside of his partnership to emotionally hold him and keep him accountable. He prioritizes taking care of his body and regulating his nervous system through exercise, breathwork, yoga, meditation, and other embodiment practices. He is deeply connected with nature and is constantly working on expanding the capacity of his heart.