The One Thing You Need

One thing I've come to innerstand is my ability to embrace change. While it's never easy, I've gotten to experience first hand that on the other side of fear is expansion, love, and awe.

Through circumstances, I've had plenty of chances to be with my fear, to be with turmoil and chaos.
Living undocumented for twenty years.
Dumpster diving for food while in college.
Moving in and out of abusive relationships and being in monk mode for two and half years.
Dealing with a health crisis where I wasn't sure if I would be alive post surgery.

These are some of the times I've had to surrender to life. And I realized that I had two options on how: with trepidation; or with courage.
After experiencing both ways of being, now I give people an experience of the unknown. I do this, so that they too may realize that they're capable of everything life has to offer. All it takes is finding that courage to step into a new way of being.

My work is to empower every one to rediscover their innate courage. To share with them the strength that we're born with is greater than any threat, any fear, and any conditioning that keeps us mentally and/or situationally caged. And once we've tapped into that courage deep within our wellspring, the result is embodying the awe of life. Some call it God. Some call it the Great Mother. To me, it's a felt sensation of the Divine Light.

Innate Courage. Embodied Awe.

So, every time I've made a breakthrough, I share it with others, not to gloat. But to show that this is possible. And if I can do it, you can too.

I'm akin to the young boy who's learned a new language and now is way too eager to share that with everyone, so they too can learn, experience this joy with him, and play along.

Through the help of one of my mentors (Thank you, Kadea), I realize now that it's a fault of mine. That in pursuit of my truth, I've tried to lead others as well without their buy-in.

I realize now that I can direct someone to the oasis while we're in the desert, but they themselves have to walk the path. And they have to be the ones to drink.

By carrying someone on my back to their liberation is not me liberating them.

Each person has to do this work of alchemy.

All I can do is help guide and support and create a path for them to walk.

And remind them of their innate courage, and help them lean into it.

As I lead a sacred men's expedition to the Sacred Valley in Peru in May, I've had interviews with ten people. And what's come up is a fear of tapping into their innate courage. While some of the spots have been filled, I can sense the dread in others.

For some, they have never trekked in high altitude.

Some have never trekked, period.

Some have never done men's work.

Some are unsure if they can take the time off from work.

Some have never left their home town, let alone the country or the continent.

Yet, here I am having a conversation with each man, because they filled out an application with an interest in learning more, knowing most of the details beforehand.

As I hear these men, I can see the different aspects of them.

The one who hesitates to make a bold move, because what if it's not the right one.

The one who's very intrigued, but is unsure of his ability.

The one who doesn't know what version of him will return, and is afraid of his power.

And I also see the courage. The courage to even initiate a discussion about a trip like this.

At the end of the call, when they ask me for what they should do, I'm doing something edgy now.

I don't coach them.

I don't figure it out them.

Instead, I share what I see.

I share that I see the part of them that is afraid of stepping into the unknown.

I see and feel it, because it IS scary.

And I share that I also see the part of them that is beginning to tap into their innate courage. That I hear the part of them that is beginning to listen to the whispers of the soul.

All that any of us need is an ability to tap into their innate courage that lies deep within. The ability to tune in to the Soul and be guided. If we can follow our intuition, then we are connected to that Divine Light and everything begins to work for us.

Ultimately, I'm not leading anyone on a trek, a pilgrimage, or a brotherly week in nature. What I'm offering is an experience of deep shadow work. It's a chance for you to meet your most intimate, vulnerable, hidden self. And that journey began as soon as someone became intrigued at the potentiality of a new way of being.

For some, that's as far as they're ready for now, or in this lifetime.
And for some, they may begin to taste how it feels to be in the ring with fear. And for some others, they being to relish and dance with this fear. The ones who have tapped into their innate courage. The ones who have crossed over into experiencing embodied awe.

You get to walk your path. All I share is a desire for you to experience the Divine Light.

It's literally magic.

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